_________________________________________________ THE LONDON GAZETTE, 25 JUNE, 1940 Distinguished Flying CrossPilot Officer Albert Gerald LEWIS (41303) Pilot Officer Lewis has, by a combination of great personal courage, determination and skill in flying, shot down five enemy aircraft, single-handed, in one day. He has destroyed in all a total of seven enemy aircraft, and by his example has been an inspiration to his squadron. _________________________________________________ The following photo shoot was taken at castle camps in July 1940, with Hurricane P2923 "VY-R".
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Back again. Whew, tough mission.
Pilot Officer Albert Gerald LEWIS, D.F.C. (41303)
One day in September, 1940, this officer destroyed six enemy aircraft; this makes a total of eighteen destroyed by him. His courage and keenness are outstanding.
London, Jan. 9, 1941 — (UP) — The Royal Air Force disclosed today the identities of its ten leading aces. One is a former financial clerk in a newspaper office, another, a former South African sailor. One has artificial legs; one is only 22 years old; one shot down six German planes in six hours.
Each has shot down from 15 to 30 German planes. All have been decorated, some three times. They are veterans of the battle of France, the evacuation of Dunkirk and of countless air fights over south England. All but one are still active.
Scores of other R.A.F. men have shot down from five to ten German planes, but these are the top ten:
Squadron Leader Douglas Bader, thrice decorated leader of the Canada squadron. He lost both legs in an accident ten years ago and learned to manipulate artificial legs before the war started.
Squadron Leader Roland Tuck, thrice decorated, has 23 swastikas and two Italian flags painted around the cockpit of his plane, signifying that many victories. He also has an Iron. Cross, the gift of a wounded German pilot he had shot down.
Pilot Officer H. M. Stephens, thrice decorated, formerly a financial clerk on a London evening newspaper; he and a colleague shared a pool for shooting down the 600th German plane destroyed by their squadron.
Squadron Leader Adolph Gysbert Malan, thrice decorated, formerly a South African sailor.
Flight-Lieut. John Ignatius (Iggy) Kilmartin, an Irishman, formerly attached to the advanced air striking force in France, credited with having shot down 15 German planes.
Flight-Lieut. J. S. Dundas, recently posted as missing and believed dead, credited with 15 German planes, one of which he chased from Winchester to Cherbourg, France, before destroying it.
Pilot Officer Geoffrey Allard, formerly a sergeant-pilot, commissioned because of his outstanding fighting, credited with 15 German planes.
Flight-Sgt. George Cecil Unwin, credited with from 15 to 20 enemy planes; last September, flying alone, he charged into a formation of 15 German bombers escorted by 30 German Messerschmitt fighters and shot down two Messerschmitts before he ran out of ammunition.
Flight-Lieut. J. H. Mungo-Park, veteran of Dunkirk and sharer with Stephens of the 600-plane pool.
Pilot Officer Albert Gerald Lewis, of South Africa, who shot down more than 20 German planes, including six in six hours.
12 May 1940 19 May 1940 18 Aug 1940 31 Aug 1940 15 Sept 1940 17 Sept 1940 18 Sept 1940 27 Sept 1940 |
one Me109E |
destroyed & destroyed destroyed & destroyed [1] destroyed destroyed destroyed & probable damaged destroyed destroyed, probables, destroyed, damaged, destroyed & destroyed [2] |
19 - 17 / 1.5 / 2
2 in France (no details) - stats from Aces High [Shores & Williams]
Ace-In-A-Day twice
[1] Two seperate sorties. He was shot down after the second one
[2] Four seperate sorties. He was shot down the next day by Rolf Pringle GK of I/JG26, who was then shot down by John M.B. Beard. Pringle survived.
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Thanks go out to
grandson Joe Lewis for the photos & infos !
On these pages I use Hugh Halliday's extensive research which includes info from numerous sources; newspaper articles via the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC); the Google News Archives; the London Gazette Archives and other sources both published and private. |
All content on this site is probably the property of acesofww2.com unless otherwise noted.