Operation Vengeance [Yamamoto Ambush] by Ron Cole [visit]
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An * (asterisk) before an Ace's name denotes those who died during WW2.
An underlined * after an Ace's name is a link to another web site with additional information.
Off-site links open in a new window.
When the kill count is in question, I posted the highest - lowest numbers I am aware of and ordered them accordingly.
Some countries used different scoring methods. I try to post
whatever info I can find on the scores.
This is an ongoing process and I appreciate all the help I can get (especially corrections .. and photos ;^)
Update - I have been extremely busy for the last three years (freedom calls) and have had no time to answer emails.
I don't see that changing any time soon but I will try to get a few minutes in here and there. If you want to use a pic,
then link back to the page you got it or name the source and original source if possible. My email still works so if you
want to send me info or photos, I will, at some point, add the info to the site. I love seeing it all and I will get to it.
At this time however, duty calls. I'm sure the men remembered on this site would see it the same way and forgive me
for putting their stories on hold for the time being. I believe what they fought for is at stake and if we do nothing we let
every one of them down.
4 an explanation of slang & abbreviations
seen on this site,
just click that thar thingy up there |
- unpaid endorsements -
FREE software I use get the
Distinguished Service Award
Last Update :
December 29, 2023
Over 4,000,000 Visitors Since
"For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
"The world is a dangerous place not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it" - Albert Einstein
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" - Martin Luther King
Smart men, wise words. Now if we could just remember them. |
Some content on this site is probably the property of acesofww2.com unless otherwise noted.
