Thomas "Mike" Cooper-Slipper |
Distinguished Flying Cross
Thomas Paul Michael "Mike" Cooper-Slipper
Born 11 January 1921 at Kinver, Staffordshire
Educated at King Edward VI Grammar School,
in Stourbridge, Worcestershire England
Raced motorcycles until he
Joined the RAF in 1938
Got wings in May 1939
P/O on probation 10 Nov 1939
F/O 15 Nov 1940
F/L 29 August 1941
Married Margaret "Rita" Brown 5 Nov 1941
S/L (temp) 1 July 1944
Transferred to the reserves in 1945
Flew against the Germans at Dunkirk and during the BoB
and the Japanese in the Far East
Becoming an ace against both
Captured by the Japanese but escaped
Subsequently being severely injured by a land mine
He immigrated to Canada in 1947
Becoming a Test Pilot for Avro Canada
Inducted into the Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame in 2003
Died February 23, 2004, in Victoria B.C., aged 83
The London Gazette, Air Ministry, 26 November 1940
The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following appointment and awards in recognition of gallantry displayed in flying operations against the enemy:
Distinguished Flying Cross
F/O Thomas Paul Michael COOPERS-LIPPER (41555) DFC — No. 605 Squadron.
Gazetted on - Flying Officer Cooper-Slipper
has displayed great skill and daring in air combat. On one occasion he
deliberately rammed and destroyed a hostile aircraft after his own controls
had been practically shot away. He has destroyed seven enemy aircraft
and damaged three others.

Avro Test Pilot Cooper-Slipper

Cooper-Slipper, while testing the Orenda Iroquois engine, with Len Hobbs
& Johnny McLaughlin
Victories Include :
22 May 1940
25 May 1940
26 May 1940
8 Sept 1940
11 Sept 1940
12 Sept 1940
15 Sept 1940
27 Sept 1940
22 Jan 1942
?? Feb 1942
15 June 1943
1/2 He111
one Ju87
one Ju88
one Me109
one Do17
one He111
1/3 Do17
one Do17
one Me109
two Mi G3Ms
3 Mi G3Ms
one Ju188 |
destroyed &
damaged |
Rammed it then bailed out
unknown dates |
12 - 10 / 0 / 4 (kills are estimated)
Thanks go out to
Top photo courtesy Airforce mag. in a story by Raymond Eagle, & the_tartanterror for the other two pix. See "Test Pilot" above.
On these pages I use Hugh Halliday's extensive research which includes info from numerous sources; newspaper articles via the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC); the Google News Archives; the London Gazette Archives and other sources both published and private.
Some content on this site is probably the property of acesofww2.com unless otherwise noted.
