John Ronald "Jack" Urwin-Mann
DSO, DFC & Bar
Born in Victoria, British Columbia, 30 July 1920;
Family returning to England 2 years later
Lived in Hove in E. Sussex for the remainder of his childhood
Educated at Brighton
Mother living in Sussex when he was decorated.
Joined RAF March 1939;
Pilot Officer as of 1 May 1939;
No.253 Squadron, 26 January 1940.
No.238 Squadron, May 1940 to summer of 1942;
No.126 Squadron, summer 1942 to uncertain date.
Married Dorothy Sarah Short on the 22nd May 1943
They had four children: Jacqueline, Angela, Judy and Gregory
Remained in the RAF, retiring 17 April 1959. |
URWIN-MANN, F/O John Ronald (42281) - Distinguished
Flying Cross - No.238 Sq.
Awarded as per London Gazette dated 26 November 1940.
This officer has displayed initiative and dash in his
many engagements against the enemy. He has led his section in an excellent
manner and has destroyed at least eight enemy aircraft.
Specifically listed in AFRO 1292/41 dated 7 November
1941 as a Canadian in the RAF who had been decorated as of that date.
AFRO 649/42 dated 1 May 1942 (announcing Bar to DFC) does so as well.
It would appear that even those publishing Air Force Routine Orders interpreted
"Canadian" very broadly, as Chris Shores (Aces High, 2nd edition)
is quite clear that Urwin-Mann was raised in England and had only a brief
residence in Canada (rather like Max Aitkin). Air Ministry Bulletin 6590
refers to DFC award.
Gallantry Awards Won By Two Ontario Fliers
London, April 6, 1942 - (CF) - Three Canadians whose gallantry won recognition
in the desert air war of the Middle East are listed in tonight's Air Ministry
announcement of awards.
Acting Flight-Lieutenant John Ronald Urwin-Mann, born in Victoria, B.C.,
receives a bar to his Distinguished Flying Cross; Acting Flight-Lieutenant
Robert Wilfred Alexander of Norwich, Ont., and Acting Flight-Lieutenant,
Clifton Watt Harper of Brighton, Ont., receive the D.F.C.
Urwin-Mann was one of the R.A.F.'s top pilots in the spectacular battles
over Britain in the fall of 1940 when the German air force tried unsuccessfully
to defeat British air power. He was awarded the D.F.C. on Nov. 19, 1940,
after his record showed he had shot down eight enemy planes. A member
of Squadron 238, Urwin-Mann's second citation for a decoration does not
establish whether he won it in raids on the Continent or over territory
in the Middle East. The citation says:
"This officer led a formation of four aircraft in combat against
a superior force of Messerschmitt 109's. Although he was wounded in the
back, and later his aircraft was badly damaged, he flew it safely back
to the base some sixty miles away. The next day, this officer was again
leading his flight.
"He has been engaged in operational flying both in England and the
Middle East and has led his flight squadron or wing on some forty sorties,
often in adverse weather conditions.
Former Xaverian College Boy Gets Bar to D.F.C.
In November last, Acting Flight Lieutenant J. R. Urwin-Mann, D.F.C., led a formation of four aircraft in combat against a superior force of Me 109's. Although wounded in the attack and later, his aircraft was damaged, he flew his machine safely back to base some 60 miles away. The next day he was again leading his flight.
For this and other exploits, Flight Lieutenant Urwin-Mann has been awarded a bar to his D.F.C. He is Canadian born but he was educated at the Xaverian College, Brighton, and his widowed mother lives at Hartington-villas, Hove.
The official citation, issued today, records that Flight Lieutenant Urwin-Mann has been engaged on operational flying both in England and in the Middle East, and has led his flight, squadron or wing, on some 40 sorties, often in adverse weather conditions. Many successes have been achieved in which he played a prominent part. He has destroyed at least eight enemy aircraft. |
URWIN-MANN, F/L John Ronald (42281) - Bar to DFC - No.238 Squadron
Awarded as per London Gazette dated 7 April 1942. Air Ministry Bulletin
6598 refers.
In November 1941 this officer led a formation of aircraft
in combat against a superior force of Messerschmitt 109s. Although he
was wounded in the back and later his aircraft was badly damaged, Flight
Lieutenant Urwin-Mann flew it safely back to base. Next day this officer
was again leading his flight. He has been engaged on operational flying
almost continuously since June 1940, both in England and the Middle East.
He has led his flight, squadron or wing on some 40 sorties, often in adverse
weather conditions. Many successes have been achieved in which Flight
Lieutenant Urwin-Mann played a prominent part. He has destroyed at least
eight enemy aircraft.
NOTE: Public Records Office Air 2/4782 has original recommendation
as communicated by RAFHQ Middle East to Air Ministry, 24 February 1942.
It differs in giving more details and is quoted below:
On 23 November 1941, Flight Lieutenant Urwin-Mann was
leading a formation of four fighters which was engaged by a much superior
force of Messerschmitt 109s. During the combat, he was wounded in the
back and later had his aircraft badly damaged. Nevertheless, he managed
to bring his aircraft over 60 miles across the desert to his base, and
was leading his flight again the following day. This officer has been
engaged on operations with his squadron almost continuously since June
1940, both in England and the Middle East, and has destroyed eight enemy
aircraft, and probably destroyed or damaged four more. During the present
campaign he has led his flight, squadron [and] wing on more than 40 operational
sorties, sometimes in extremely bad weather and it is due to his unflagging
keenness that formations led by him have successfully engaged and destroyed
numerous enemy aircraft.
Squadron Leader's D.S.O. - MALTA GALLANTRY
ACTING Squadron Leader John Ronald Urwin-Mann, D.F.C., No. 126 Squadron, whose home is in Hartington-villas, Hove, has been awarded the Distinguished Service Order for gallantry at Malta.
Within the past six months, while operating from Malta, states the official citation, this officer has completed a large number of sorties, involving attacks on factories, warehouses, port installations, power stations, and airfields in Sicily and nearby enemy islands.
On one occasion he led a formation which attacked an airfield and destroyed many aircraft on the ground. Squadron Leader Urwin-Mann also obtained a hit on a petrol installation, causing a violent explosion and a large fire. Another of his successes was the destruction of a portion of the main railway line during a sortie at Gela in January 1943. During the same operations, Squadron Leader Urwin-Mann engaged a Messerschmitt 210, shooting away its starboard engine.
By his great skill and inspiring leadership, this officer has raised his squadron to a high pitch of fighting efficiency.
Born at Victoria, British Columbia in 1920, he was educated at the Xaverian College, Brighton. He was commissioned in the R.A.F. in 1939, and awarded the D.F.C. in 1940 and Bar in April 1942.
URWIN-MANN, S/L John Ronald (42281) No.126 Sq.
Service Order
Awarded as per London Gazette dated
14 May 1943.
Air Ministry Bulletin 10199 refers.
Within the past six months whilst operating from Malta,
this officer has completed a large number of sorties, involving attacks
on factories, warehouses, port installations, power stations and airfields
in Sicily and nearby enemy islands. On one occasion he led a formation
which attacked an airfield and destroyed many aircraft on the ground.
Squadron-Leader Urwin-Mann also obtained a hit on a petrol installation,
causing a violent explosion and a large fire. Another of his successes
was the destruction of a portion of the main railway line during a sortie
at Gela in January 1943. During the same operations Squadron Leader Urwin-Mann
engaged a Messerschmitt 210, shooting away its starboard engine. By his
great skill and inspiring leadership this officer has raised his squadron
to a high pitch of fighting efficiency.
Jack standing next to a Fairy Battle
Victories Include :
11 July 1940
13 July 1940
20 July 1940
11 Aug 1940
13 Aug 1940
21 Aug 1940
15 Sept 1940
25 Sept 1940
26 Sept 1940
27 Sept 1940
7 Oct 1940
9 Dec 1941
28 Dec 1941
28 Jan 1943 |
1/3 Me 110
1/3 Me 110
one Me 110
one He59
one Me109E
one Me109E
one Ju88
one He111
one He111
two He111s
one Me110
one Me110
one Ju88
one Me109F
one Me110
one Me210 |
destroyed &
destroyed (unconf.)
destroyed (unconf.)
destroyed &
probable |
score - 10.66 - 8.66 / 2 / 3
All claims made with Hurricanes of 238 Squadron except 28 January 1943 claim which was made in Spitfire EP310, HA-I of 126 Squadron
Thanks go out to
Angela (nee Urwin-Mann) for the corrections, photos & this bit of info:
"I thought you might like to know that during the war my parents and grandparents, looked after two Canadian soldiers and were in touch with them for the rest of their lives. My Aunt went to visit them in Detroit, Vancouver and Toronto after many years of corresponding with them. They were Lyle Potter, Russ Spadefore and George Spadefore. Sadly, like so many from WW2, they have passed on but they never forgot my parents and grandparents and siblings and always kept in touch."
On these pages I use Hugh Halliday's extensive research which includes info from numerous sources; newspaper articles via the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC); the Google News Archives; the London Gazette Archives and other sources both published and private.
Some content on this site is probably the property of acesofww2.com unless otherwise noted.
