Lloyd Gilbert "Algy" Schwab
DFC, DFC (Greek)
Born in Niagara Falls, 22 January 1915
Educated there. Home there (550 Second Ave.)
Joined the RAF in March 1936 (Algy from L.G.)
Appointed Acting Pilot Officer on Probation, 4 May 1936
Posted to 17 Squadron late in 1936
When "B" flight of 17 Squadron formed 80 Squadron in 1937,
- he moved with that unit to Egypt
Appointed Acting F/L in September 1939 (F/L in Nov. 1940)
To 112 Squadron in July 1940
With No.112 Sq. 23 July 1940 to 26 June 1941
To Operations Room, Helipolis, end of June 1941
To the UK in October 1941
Appointed Temporary S/L, 16 December 1941
To Central Flying School, then to 1 OTU, Bagotville, 1942
Was Chief Flying instructor there in May 1943 (photo at left)
Back to the UK
Transferred to the RAFVR (& called up for service) 2 June 1944
Returned to Canada briefly in 1944
Appointed Temporary W/C, 18 July 1944
Promoted to S/L (as Temporary W/C), 31 October 1944
Like everyone else, he was demoted after the war
Promoted to S/L again, 22 March 1946 & W/C, 18 July 1947
Remained in the RAF until 1958 when he retired as a W/C
Died 15 February 1960 |
Canada's Airmen Show Themselves Fit Successors to Flyers of Great War Days
Canada's fighting airmen have proved themselves fitting and worthy successors to the great Canadian airmen of a generation ago — to Bishop, Barker, Collishaw, and many other great Canadian aces — garnering through their gallant exploits 157 awards for bravery and distinguished conduct under fire during less than two and one half years of aerial warfare.
Of this number, three important awards came to Hamiltonians. Pilot Officer Warring Laird Jennings was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, Group Captain Archibald Patrick Campbell was mentioned in dispatches, and Sgt. James Bain won the Distinguished Flying Medal.
In a story released by the public relations branch of the R.C.A.F. today, it is reported that three Brantford residents and one from Niagara Falls also have received important awards.
Squadron Leader Gordon L. Raphael, of Brantford, received the D.F.C. and bar, Flying Officer Peter J. Valachos received the D.F.C., and Sgt. Douglas Martin received the D.F.M.
A Niagara Falls native, Squadron Leader Lloyd Gilbert Schwab, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
One hundred and thirty-three decorations, including 94 D.F.C.s and 12 bars to this award, have been won by Canadians serving with the Royal Air Force, while the men of the R.C.A.F., serving abroad and at home, have won 24 awards, of which ten are D.F.C.s and nine Distinguished Flying Medals. The former decoration is given only to officers and the latter to non-commissioned officers and to airmen. Not included in the 157 total are 12 mentioned in dispatches.
SCHWAB, F/L Lloyd Gilbert (37831) - Distinguished Flying Cross
Awarded as per London Gazette dated 11 July 1941
This officer has led his squadron in combat with considerable skill and has personally destroyed eleven (?) enemy aircraft. He has displayed great courage and determination.
SCHWAB, S/L Lloyd Gilbert (37831) - Distinguished Flying Cross (Greek)
Awarded as per London Gazette dated 29 December 1942
No citation available
Victories Include :
17 Aug 1940
31 Oct 1940
18 Nov 1940
20 Feb 1941
26 Mar 1941
13 Apr 1941
one S-79
two CR-42s
one S-79
one G-50
one G-50
one G-50 |
destroyed |
6 / 1 / 0
All with 112 Sq. while flying Gladiators in the Mediterranean theater
Thanks go out to
On these pages I use Hugh Halliday's extensive research which includes info from numerous sources; newspaper articles via the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC); the Google News Archives; the London Gazette Archives and other sources both published and private.
Some content on this site is probably the property of acesofww2.com unless otherwise noted.
