_________________________________________________ Four Canadians Awarded D.F.C.'sLondon, 16 Oct. 1942 — (BUP) — The award of four Distinguished Flying Crosses to members of the Royal Canadian Air Force was announced by R.C.A.F. overseas headquarters here today. _________________________________________________ SCHMIDT, F/O Dallas Wilber (J7336) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No.227 Squadron This officer has displayed fine fighting qualities. On his first sortie he shot down an Italian aircraft. In September, 1942, he obtained a hit with a heavy bomb on an enemy merchant vessel which subsequently sank. A few days later he attacked a destroyer, in a convoy, with gunfire. In spite of intense opposition he pressed home his attack causing an explosion behind part of the ship's gun positions, which probably indicated hits on a magazine. This officer has set a praiseworthy example. _________________________________________________ COAST AIRMAN GETS TWO HUNS
Victories Include :
10.5 / 1 / 3.5 |
With 227 Squadron he completed At the end of the war he claimed He was a member of the Caterpillar Club DFC and Bar presented 14 June 1947 See Chris Shores, Aces High & Fighters Over Tunisia & |
[1] Claimed by F/S Andy Campbell DFM with a hand-held vickers VGO gun from the rear cockpit [2] Shores shows these as being damaged only. If so, it would make his score 8.5 / 1 / 5.5 |
NOTE: In 1993 Mr. Paul Ferguson provided to the Directorate of History copies of notes he had prepared on Canadians in Malta. They included the following (sources unknown):
Shot down on five occasions, D.W. Schmidt managed to crash-land on Malta four times and baled out once. On one occasion he saved the life of Pilot Officer J.F. Briffet, an observer whose Beaufighter was forced to ditch in the sea. The aircraft sank with the loss of the pilot, 4 October 1942, but D.W. Schmidt threw down to P/O Briffet his dingy tied to his Mae West. He scored 10½ victories and on 17 September 1942 sank the tanker Carbonia with a 500-pound bomb dropped directly amidships.
--- Canadian Aces ---
Thanks go out to
Unfortunately, I forgot the name of man who sent me this pic (if its you let me know) but I will run across the info one day I'm sure & i will post it here
On these pages I use Hugh Halliday's extensive research which includes info from numerous sources; newspaper articles via the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC); the Google News Archives; the London Gazette Archives and other sources both published and private.
Some content on this site is probably the property of acesofww2.com unless otherwise noted.