________________________________________Ontario Bank Clerk Youngest Air LeaderBy LOUIS HUNTER With the R.C.A.F. Somewhere in Scotland,
May 3, 1942 (CP) — Lloyd Chadburn, a blond squadron leader from
Aurora, Ontario, is making a name for himself as one of the youngest squadron
commanders in the Royal Canadian Air Force overseas _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Quebec Pilot Says Town Almost Wiped Out By Wicked Onslaught
![]() |
Ottawa, March 12, 1944 — There's as much heroics about Wing Cmdr.
Lloyd Vernon Chadburn, D.S.O. and Bar, D.F.C., as one could find in a
retired drapery clerk.
Yet the Aurora airman, one of the youngest Winco’s in the R.C.A.F.
at 24, who returned here today on leave, is poison in capital letters
to Mr. Goering's boys and bears one of the most outstanding records as
a leader of fighter pilots in all the services operating from the United
From April to November, his wing had the best record and in the last month
outscored all the others. In the eight months they shot down 44 without
the loss of a single pilot by reason of enemy action. On Nov. 3, they
knocked down nine for a month's score of 10.
His wing became a legend among United States day-bomber pilots as they
took fast sweeps over the Low Countries and France. The medium Marauder
bombers, it is a matter of record, took a bad mauling at first, when they
counted on their own gun power to fight off Nazi fighters.
Sets Amazing Record
"Here comes the Angel," became the password of the Americans
when Chadburn's wing took up covering positions.
And they weren't fooling. Because in 60 sorties with the bombers, only
one Marauder was knocked down by a Focke-Wulf and the German fighter that
got the one kill itself went down.
The Americans named him well. The Wing Commander — most people call
him "Chad" although his rank is the equivalent of a lieutenant-colonel
— is rangy and his head is covered with a shock of light-colored
hair. When he is preoccupied on a problem he has a habit of wrinkling
his forehead. He smiles easily and talks fighter tactics with the detachment
of an ordinary individual discussing a last week's game of checkers.
Serves as Wing Commander
Lately he has been taken away from his Spitfire and its place at the head
of a flock of fighters to serve as wing commander of fighting operations
at group headquarters of the R.C.A.F. It's a chestnut, but wing commander
of fighting operations at group headquarters is a far cry from ferrying
automobiles from an Oshawa motor plant to Toronto, as he did before the
war. Or studying commerce at the Northern Vocational School. Or working
as a clerk in the Bank of Toronto. Or, for that matter, working for a
Toronto tea company.
He says he has "very high hopes of getting a fighter wing" when
he returns to the United Kingdom. There are rumors that the R.C.A.F. has
different ideas on that subject— that his administrative ability
topped by fighter experience is just a little too valuable to have him
roaming the skies.
He says, and there is no better authority, that "there is no doubt
we are getting stronger and they are getting weaker."
"All you have to do for a comparison of conditions when I first went
over and now is to read the newspapers," he added in the interview.
Three years ago, one day more Nazis were shot down than we destroyed.
The next day our losses might be heavier. "This summer we have been
definitely on the top side. At the first of the summer we were meeting
and fighting the Nazis over the Channel and North Sea. Later we were meeting
them behind the coast. Now we are not meeting them until we get 50 or
60 miles in.
Nazis Lose Initiative
"There is no doubt they have lost a lot of initiative," said
Wing Cmdr. Chadburn, and in the same breath he emphasized that our aircrew
material, flowing in from the Commonwealth Air Training Plan, is just
as high, just as sound as during the early days of its operation.
While he recognizes the merits of all the other different types of fighters
- the long-range planes - he still thinks the Spitfire is the best all-round
fighter. If the test came, and you were in a Spitfire, ”you would
still be alive when it's over."
With 12 planes to his personal credit, he doesn't figure he is a noted
fighter pilot. His own personal tactics, he admits, are elementary. He
says he is no king-pin shot like Beurling. He knows, and he's tried it
out. He makes an angle shot that should blow his target into glory and
nothing happens.
"The only thing I can do is get in behind them on a straight shot.
I have often figured," he said "that if I were a king-pin shot
I might have a record to be proud of."
It took Flt. Lt. James Sinclair (L., Vancouver N), on leave to attend
Parliament for the first time in three years, to fill in some of the gaps
in the Chadburn saga. Both were attached to the City of Oshawa Squadron
at one time.
It was Sinclair who told how Chadburn, leading the squadron at Dieppe,
showed his masterly judgment in leadership, trapped an attacking force
of Nazis into their gun sights, knocked down four and damaged seven others
before they could say the German equivalent of "Jack Robinson."
He won the D.F.C. for that, and, incidentally, when he took over the squadron
at 21 he was the youngest Canadian squadron commander.
His leadership was commended again when he was awarded the D.S.O. last
August. It was the same old story in January, when he was awarded the
highest honor accorded a member of the R.C.A.F., when he was given the
bar to his D.S.O. Since then another R.C.A.F. man, Bomber Pilot Sqdn.
Ldr. Julian Sale of Toronto has won the highly prized decoration.
By TRENT FRAYNE - Aurora, March 14, 1944 - If you're
interested in the case history of Canada's most decorated fighter pilot,
Wing Cmdr. Lloyd Chadburn, D.S.O. and Bar, D.F.C., the man to avoid assiduously
is Wing Cmdr. Lloyd Chadburn, D.S.O. and Bar, D.F.C.
On the other hand, if you're interested in meeting a fine, unaffected
Canadian who can fly a Spitfire as easily as he winds his watch, the man
to see is Lloyd Chadburn, a blond, laughing kid of 24, who'll talk about
anything but his exploits (which include 14 German aircraft downed)
any one but himself. There is no use mincing words. Lloyd Chadburn is
the kind of Canadian every Canadian would like to be. Each time he was
awarded the D.S.O. the citation mentioned his leadership, which is just
another word until you meet him.
Shakes Off Questions
He doesn't want to tell you about himself and yet he isn't one of those
pseudo-modest types. He just shakes you off a question about Chadburn
by grinning a most infectious grin, and, still smiling, handing out an
impossible answer. He is a solidly built blond boy with blue ayes and
an engaging personality.
For instance, when you point to his decorations he says the D.S.O. came
out with the rations and opines that the D.F.C. is a prettier ribbon anyway.
His service ribbon, with clasp, came "for voting for Mackenzie King."
The clasp, he laughs again, is his "Willkie button."
Sitting in an R.C.A.F. transport in front of Union Station after he'd
picked up his luggage yesterday, he wondered if the Royal York would be
open and it was agreed the Royal York probably would be.
"Driver," he said to an LAC in the R.C.A.F., "would you
like to join us?"
"I don't know, sir. How long will you be?"
"Oh, not very long. We should be to Aurora by 6:30 and you'll be
back by 7."
"Well, perhaps sir. I was just wondering if I had time to go to Manning
Depot to get another driver."
Waits for Driver
It was obvious that the LAC wanted the night off. He was beating around
the bush. Any time now, you felt, the wing commander with his great record,
would tick off the LAC.
Instead, Lloyd Chadburn waited for the driver to make up his mind. He
was genuinely concerned, and there was silence in the car while the LAC
"I think sir," he said at length; "I'll phone for
another driver from the hotel.”
“That'll be fine," beamed Chadburn. "Come across with
This was in sharp contrast to any number of desk-ridden brass hats, but
that's the kind of fellow Chadburn is.
One of the first things he did when he flew in from Ottawa yesterday was
look up Jackie Rae. Rae was a sergeant in Chad's squadron when Chad was
a squadron leader overseas. Now Rae is a flight lieutenant wearing the
Fine Leader
"I'll tell you what kind of a guy he is," volunteered Jackie.
"When we were flying with the City of Oshawa Squadron there wasn't
a guy who ever asked Chad where we were going. When he told us we were
off for a scramble we jumped to get going. We didn't care where. If he
was leading us we just naturally tagged along.”
Newsmen accompanied Chadburn to his home here and filled his house as
they snapped pictures and asked questions.
Chad's reaction: "If any of those Hun pilots could see me now they'd
say, ‘Brother, there's a piece of cake.’"
He didn't like all the fuss, but if the boys wanted to make their pictures,
sure, he'd comply. "D'yuh want me to stand on my head, fellahs?"
He's in Canada to speak to Sixth Victory Loan salesmen, to give them a
pep talk. He's due back in England around April 15 and, hot dog! he's
going back on operations.
Since November Chad has been handling two squadrons from a desk as a Winco,
the City of Oshawa and the City of Winnipeg. That's not what he's after.
What he wants is to get back at the controls of his Spit.
By TRENT FRAYNE, June 7, 1944
When they read about it yesterday, nobody was surprised to learn that
Lloyd Chadburn and Freddie Green led the first waves of fighter planes
over the invasion area. Those who knew them, in fact, rather expected
Chad and Freddie are alike in a lot of ways. They come from the same neck
of the woods, Chadburn from Aurora and Green from Toronto. Both insist
there is no aircraft in the world to match the Spitfire and both have
flown them for three years or more.
They were sergeants when they went overseas. Today Chad is a wing commander,
wearing the DSO and Bar and the D.F.C. Freddie is a squadron leader, has
the D.F.C. and Bar. Both are blond-headed, easy-going, will settle for
a practical joke any time.
Has Rafese on Tongue (I believe that means he cusses a lot – ed)
Let's look at them a little closer, digging back to last June 16, when
Freddie came home for a month's leave. He is a serious, sincere fellow
when the mood strikes him. He swears no more than the average 27-year-old,
but just as much, too. He talks about a pilot's leaves like the fellow
next door talks about Saturday night. Like all pilots, he has Rafese on
his tongue, but it’s casual and unaffected.
"Dieppe was bloody hell for the guys on the ground. I was over eight
times, escorting bombers.
Other planes were upstairs knocking Jerry down and Jerry was tumbling
past us all the time. I wasn't more than 500 feet up all day.” Perhaps
that's what it was like yesterday ... or today ... or will be tomorrow.
Reason for Decorations
Why did he get his decorations?
"Damned if I know. Because I'd lived so long, I guess."
If he had gone overseas as a sergeant-pilot, his promotion to squadron
leader was rather rapid, wasn't it?
"I wouldn't say that. A lot of guys were killed. Somebody had to
be promoted.”
And then when you switch over to Chadburn you find the same type of fellow.
Ask him about his decorations and he says the D.S.O. came out with the
rations and opines that the D.F.C. is a prettier ribbon anyway.
Chad made the immortal remark about his service ribbon: "lt came
for voting for Mackenzie King." Of the ribbon's overseas clasp, he
grinned: "That's my Willkie button.”
He doesn't want to talk about himself and he isn't making noises like
one of those pseudo-modest types either. He just shakes you off a question
about Chadburn by grinning and handing out an impossible answer.
Tribute to Chadburn
Flt. Lt. Jack Rae, D.F.C., Toronto, who flew with Chadburn overseas, once
volunteered the most striking tribute to 24-year-old Chadburn.
"When we were flying with the City of Oshawa Squadron, there wasn't
a guy who ever asked Chad where we were going. When he told us we were
off for a scramble we jumped to get going. We didn't care where. If he
was leading us we just naturally tag along."
That's what those verbose citations are talking about when they refer
to a man's "qualities of leadership.” That's what Freddie Green and Lloyd Chadburn and hundreds of other young Canadians are throwing
at Hitler today.
Aurora, June 19 (Special) — Wing Cmdr. Lloyd Chadburn,
D.S.O. and Bar, D.F.C., of Aurora, Ont., Canada's most decorated fighter
pilot, is officially reported missing June 13, presumably over the French
invasion coast since he led the first assault of fighter planes on D-Day,
June 6. Official notification was received tonight by his mother, Mrs.
Frank Allen.
Chadburn, 24, one of the youngest wing commanders in the R.C.A.F., won
his D.F.C. for his part in the Dieppe raid. He was last home on a 30-day
leave last February and March. At that time he was modestly non-communicative
about the Dieppe show. His squadron made four different sorties and was
in the air seven hours altogether. The squadron did not lose a plane here
or in the Channel encounter with the Nazi warships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau.
His more than three years of combat overseas included "train-busting,"
"ship-busting" and escort work. The first two are low-level
attacks on trains and ships.
Born in Montreal
Born Montreal, Chadburn received his wings at Uplands in the autumn of
1940. Besides his mother and his stepfather, he has three stepbrothers
in Toronto, Stewart, Ian and Eric. Stewart served with the Royal Flying
Corps in the last war. A half-brother, Ford Chadburn, lives in Montreal.
His exploits include 14 German aircraft downed, an enemy E-boat sunk and
another damaged and a Nazi destroyer damaged. In his decoration citations
his leadership was praised.
The solidly built blond lad with blue eyes and engaging personality on
his last visit home said only that his D.S.O. "came with the rations."
Held Confidence of Mates
Flt. Lt. Jackie Rae, D.F.C., who flew with "Chad" in the City
of Oshawa Squadron, said of him not long ago: "I'll tell you what
kind of guy he is. When we were flying with the City of Oshawa Squadron
no man ever asked Chad where we were going. When he told us we were off
for a scramble, we jumped to get going. We didn't care where. If he was
leading us we just naturally tagged along."
Since last November he had been handling two squadrons from a desk as
a "wingco," the City of Oshawa and the City of Winnipeg, but
was anxious to get back to the control of a Spitfire. And he did, to lead
the first assault in the invasion.
Chadburn took an active part last spring to the Sixth Victory Loan drive.
Wings' Score Leads
From April to November, 1943, his wing had the best record of any operating
from the British Isles and outscored all others in the last month. The
wing shot down 44 planes in eight months without the loss of a single
pilot. His outfit knocked down nine Nazi machines in one day, last Nov.
The Chadburn wing became a legend among United States day-bomber pilots
for fast sweeps over the Low Countries and France. "Here comes the
Angel" became the password of the Americans when his wing took up
covering position. And they weren't fooling. For in 60 sorties with Marauder
bombers, only one Marauder was knocked down by a Focke-Wulf — and
the German fighter went down with it.
His buddies all called him Chad, though his rank is equivalent to lieutenant-colonel.
Flying for him was a far cry from ferrying automobiles from an Oshawa
motor plant to Toronto as he did before the war.
Northern Vocational Pupil
Before the war he studied commerce at Northern Vocational School, Toronto,
then worked as a clerk in the Bank of Toronto. For a time, too, he was
with a Toronto tea company.
When Flt. Lt. James Sinclair (L., Vancouver N.) was home on leave to attend
the Canadian Parliament, he told how Chadburn, leading his squadron at
Dieppe, showed his masterly judgment in leadership, trapped an attacking
force of Nazis into their gunsights, shot down four and damaged seven
others. That won him the D.F.C. He won the D.S.O. last August and the
Bar in January, the highest honor up to then accorded a member of the
His D.S.O. citation says: "Wing Cmdr, Chadburn has led formations
on very many sorties during which 16 enemy aircraft have been destroyed,
six of them by this officer. In addition, three E-boats have been successfully
attacked. He has displayed exceptional leadership and great skill, while
his fine fighting spirit has set a most inspiring example."
Many "Firsts" In Record
Chadburn graduated with the first class turned out under the British Commonwealth
Air Training Plan, and was also the first Aurora boy to win his wings
in the R.C.A.F., and the first airman from his home town to go overseas.
He spoke on the radio soon after Dieppe, describing the air "umbrella"
used in the assault. He has received congratulations from the navy for
his work against E-boats.
He trained in Toronto at Manning Pool and No. 1 LTS, at Windsor and then
Uplands, Ottawa. Half a dozen of his classmates are flight commanders.
He went overseas in November, 1940, and took his first operational flight
the next March.
Only recently did "Chad." as he was known to his fellows hurry back to Britain from leave in Canada because he was determined to be in on the "big show" when invasion came.
Countless Tributes
Countless tributes were paid to him as word that "Chad's bought it"
spread through airmen's messes throughout Britain. A veteran R.A.F. station
commander summed up the general feeling when he said Chadburn was "one
of the finest wing leaders in the business — in the air and on the
Chadburn, whose smile was as contagious as his sense of humor, was noted
also for his modesty. In an interview after he was awarded a bar to his
D.S.O. early this year he said:
"When the boy's put on a good show, the wing commander gets the D.S.O.
Then they put on another good show, so he gets the bar."
That was the first bar to a D.S.O., to be won by a Canadian in this war.
He had won the D.S.O. for spectacular work during the Dieppe raid, Aug.
19, 1942. when Canadian airmen flew support for Canadian troops for the
first time in this war.
Citation for Bar
The citation for the bar said: "This officer has displayed outstanding
leadership and great tactical skill and courage. Since being awarded the
D.S.O., he has led his formation on a large number of sorties during which
23 enemy aircraft have been destroyed and many others damaged. Chadburn
shot down six of this total himself. Much of the success achieved during
this period can be attributed to this officer's sterling qualities."
Chadburn, first British Commonwealth Air Training Plan graduate to command
a squadron, was, at 21, the youngest Canadian squadron commander. From
that rank he was promoted later to wing commander.
Not only German aircraft were blasted by his guns. He was credited with
the destruction of an enemy E-boat, probable destruction and damaging
of two others and damaging a German destroyer, a coastal vessel and a
Chadburn's first squadron was adopted by the City of Oshawa which name
it now bears. That squadron had the best Canadian record at Dieppe where
Chadburn shot down one of the four aircraft the squadron destroyed without
loss to itself.
In January 1941, Chadburn flew on the first sweep by a Canadian squadron
over enemy territory and altogether put in more than 1,000 hours on Hurricanes
and Spitfires.
He flew more than 200,000 miles and, although his aircraft was hit by
anti-aircraft shells, he escaped being wounded. He admitted in one interview,
though, that he was "frightened a couple or times."
"When you are 120 miles from England and feel a thump in your tail,
you are shaken quite a bit," he smiled.
Buried in Invasion Sector
Aurora, June 20 (Special), — From his chaplain, Flt. Lt. G. O. Lightbourne,
once Anglican pastor here, has come word that Wing Cmdr. Lloyd V. Chadburn,
D.S.O. and Bar, D.F.C., of this town, met his death June 13 leading his
fighters over the Cherbourg invasion area.
The young flier's mother, Mrs. Frank Allen, received a cable from the
chaplain conveying his sympathy in the loss of the young flier, one of
Canada's most famous airmen. He was buried with battle honors in a little
cemetery at Benouville in the invasion sector.
Sunday afternoon the Rev. Canon F. J. Fife will conduct a memorial service
for Wing Cmdr. Chadburn in Trinity Anglican Church. Order of the service
has not been completed but the hour has been set at
3 p.m., when citizens and representatives of the services will attend.
Group Capt. J. A. McNab, chief Protestant chaplain of No. 1 Training Command,
visited Chadburn's mother to convey the news personally of the death of
her son, reported Sunday night as missing.
London, July 12, 1944 —(CP Cable)— Competition among all-Canadian fighter wings operating from Normandy in support of the Allied invasion reached such a pitch by to-day that pilots are plaguing operations officers to have one more show "laid on" so they can top the score of German planes downed by rival wings.
Excellent Record
A summary of the operations of one Normandy-based fighter wing during
four weeks of the invasion period shows that 170 Nazi aircraft have been
shot out of the skies. This summary covers the period up to Monday, since
when poor weather in the bridgehead area has reduced tactical flights
to a minimum.
Since D-day Wing-Cmdr, J. E. (Johnny) Johnson, who holds the D.S.O. and
two bars, the D.F.C., and bar, and the American D.F.C., has skyrocketed
to new fame as Britain's leading ace with a score of 35 German aircraft
downed. Johnson, native of Nottingham, England, now heads a Canadian fighter
Downs 35th Victim
He downed his 35th enemy victim June 30 to top the record of 33 set up
by Group Capt. A. G. (Sailor) Malan, from South Africa, who now is on
ground duty. At the same time Johnson's wing went on to win a bet made
with the late Wing-Cmdr, Lloyd V. Chadburn, of Aurora, Ont., holder of
the D.S.O. and bar and the D.F.C., six weeks before D-day.
The two wing-commanders wagered that their respective wings would outscore
the other during the month after the invasion was launched. After Chadburn
lost his life over France in the early days of the invasion, the wager
was taken over by Squadron-Ldr. Walter Conrad, D.F.C. of Richmond, Ont.,
of the Red Indian Squadron.
Until Johnson's wing scored seven victories in one operation July 5 Chadburn's
wing, now led by Wing-Cmdr. R. A. Buckham, D.F.C., of Vancouver, was only
two behind. The latest available accounting showed Johnson's wing is in
the lead 47 to 40.
Others in Race
Meanwhile however, another Canadian-led wing under Wing-Cmdr. George Keefer,
of Charlottetown, although not included in the wager, is just as interested
in finishing at the top and in the last reckoning was tied with Johnson's
wing with 47 enemy planes destroyed.
Furthermore, Keefer's pilots claimed 23 enemy aircraft damaged against
11 by Johnson's wing. Flt.-Lieut. Charlie Trainor of Charlottetown, who until June 28 was scoreless, entered the ace class
by being credited with 7½ victories in the subsequent seven days.
This was half a point more than Johnson achieved during the first month
of the invasion.
Other Canadian airmen who have achieved notable scores during that period
are: Flt.-Lieut. Doug Lindsay, Arnprior, Ont.,
four; Squadron-Ldr. H. W. (Wally) McLeod, D.F.C.
and bar, Regina, four; Flt.-Lieut. W. T. (Bill) Klersy,
Toronto, four; Flt.-Lieut. Paul Johnson,
Bethel, Conn., four.
Typhoons Prominent
These scores brought Lindsay's total kills to six, McLeod's to 19, Klersy's
to five and Johnson's to five also. McLeod became Canada's leading operational
pilot with his score of 19.
The Normandy-based Empire fighter plane group to which these Canadian
wings are attached is commanded by Air Vice-Marshal Henry Broadhurst,
of the R.A.F. Total of 12,000 sorties were flown by British and Canadian
members of Air Vice-Marshal Broadhurst's group during the four weeks following
An all-Canadian Typhoon wing in the sector, commanded by Wing-Cmdr. Paul Davoud, D.S.O., D.F.C., of Kingston, Ont., has
achieved a high degree of precision in dive-bombing since assigned to
this role in Normandy.
More than 8,000 rockets have been projected by R.A.F. Typhoons from close
range at enemy targets within the battle area.
When a man is crowded into the skintight cockpit of a
Spitfire, balancing his wits and skill and courage against those of the
German Luftwaffe, there is no formula for longevity.
"It's like a crap game," explained Hugh Godefroy, searching
his mind for the simile. "No matter how long you roll the dice, sooner
or later you're going to throw a seven. As it happened, I quit before
my seven came up.”
This was Wing Cmdr. Godefroy, with the DSO, the DFC and Bar and 1,400
hours of flying behind him, all of it overseas, most of it on operations.
The record shows seven confirmed kills, five damaged.
He had been talking about his friend, Wing Cmdr. Lloyd Chadburn, DSO and
Bar, DFC, a great Canadian Spitfire pilot who was killed shortly after
D-Day in a mid-air collision with another Spit over France.
A Wonderful Leader
"Chad shouldn't have died," said Godefroy. "He was a wonderful
fellow, respected and admired by every man who ever met him. I never knew
any one with such a faculty for leadership. He had completed two long
tours of operations, had done more than his share. But he insisted on
flying. He took over my wing when I came off ops this last time."
It was then that Godefroy said there was no formula for longevity.
Actually, this 24-year-old Toronto pilot who came home with his Scottish
wife and baby daughter Saturday morning, did more than his share of flying
too. He got an extension on his second tour which practically amounted
to a third tour but he insists it was only an extension.
Unlike many thoughtful returned servicemen, Godefroy cannot see an imminent
end to the war with Germany. His guess is that next summer will see war's
culmination and he stresses that this is only a personal opinion.
He does not agree with those who place the blame for recent bombings of
Allied ground troops by Allied aircraft on the air force.
"When the ground forces call for air support, they should be reasonably
sure that they aren't going to break through and capture the objective
themselves," he reasons. "If they call for a bombing and then
take the objective during the time the medium bombers are being assembled,
it doesn't seem logical to blame the bombers.
"Anyway, air power has more than made up for any such bombings because
during the daytime those foot soldiers can walk around behind the lines
like they were at the corner of King and Yonge. The air force pounces
on any member of the Luftwaffe who tries to get at our soldiers and the
air force pounds Jerry defensive positions too."
March 29, 1945 - "There are no atheists in foxholes,"
according to a New Toronto soldier, Sgt. Dave Kingston, who tells of his
platoon headquarters at Carpiquet being "pasted" by shellfire
and of "every man in the room praying out loud."
Before the Normandy invasion a Nova Scotia chaplain visited Canadian navy
men preparing for D-Day and reported: "They were a high-spirited
lot and at first glance you'd imagine they didn't have a care in the world
. . . but those boys know what prayer means."
A year ago this month, Wing Commander Lloyd Chadburn of Aurora told something
of his experiences in the skies over Europe to reporters in Ottawa. He
said: "When I get in a real tight spot I don't mind admitting I do
a little praying and ask God to step in and give me a hand."
Our armed services may not be as systematically prayerful as Cromwell's
army, but there is no lack of examples to show that men in a life-or-death
struggle turn naturally to a higher Power for guidance and help. Their
petitions, one gathers, are usually brief and highly informal. An air
officer whose plane was shot up in "a hell of Luftwaffe fire"
over France and still carried its crew safely recalls murmuring. "Thanks,
Lord, for giving us a hand."
Ottawa, December 13, 1944 - Mrs. Frank Allen of Aurora,
Ont., received the DSO & Bar
won by her son, the late Wing Cmdr. Lloyd V. Chadburn,
The first Canadian to win two DSO's in WW2
CHADBURN, W/C Lloyd Vernon, DSO, DFC (J2976) - Chevalier
of the Legion of Honour
AFRO 485/47 dated 12 September 1947 and
Canada Gazette dated 20 September 1947
CHADBURN, W/C Lloyd Vernon, DSO, DFC (J2976) - Croix de
Guerre avec Palm (Fr)
AFRO 485/47 dated 12 September 1947 and
Canada Gazette dated 20 September 1947.
Nov 1941 22 Jan 1942 19 Aug 1942 31 May 1943 13 June 1943 27 June 1943 14 July 1943 18 July 1943 27 July 1943 2 Aug 1943 16 Aug 1943 4 Sept 1943 22 Sept 1943 24 Sept 1943 27 Sept 1943 3 Oct 1943 3 Nov1943 |
one E-Boat 1/3 Ju88 one Ju88 one Ju88 one FW190 one FW190 one FW190 one FW190 one Me109 1/2 Me109 one Me109 1/3 Me109 one FW190 one FW190 1/4 Me109 1/2 Me109 two FW190s 1/2 FW190 1/3 FW190 one Me109 one FW190 1/2 Me109 one Me109 two Me109s |
damaged probable damaged damaged damaged probable probable probable destroyed probable destroyed damaged destroyed destroyed damaged damaged destroyed probable destroyed probable damaged destroyed destroyed |
off Dutch coast (No.19
Sqn.) & & (credited to squadron) (w/ F/L J.A. Rae) , & (w/ Sager, Noonan & Booth) (w/ Sager) & , & |
6.58 / 6.3 / 7.33
See H.A. Halliday, The Tumbling Sky, for a chapter on him
An early war-time photo of Chad - no "Gongs"
This is an unusual shot of Chadburn - he's not smiling
CHADBURN, LLOYD VERNON W/C (P) J2976 Killed In A Flying Accident June 13, 1944 age 24. #416 City of Oshawa Squadron (Ad Soltum Paratus). W/C Chadburn was at 12,000 feet over the assault area Chedbourg/Caen, France when his Spitfire was in a collision with another Spitfire (NH 415) flown by F/L Frank J. Clark. Chadburn's Spitfire (LP 824) was seen to go down in flames north of Caen at Benouville, France. Both pilots were killed. Chadburn was buried at Benouville, exhumed, and reburied in the Ranville War Cemetery, Calvados, France.
For more info,
F/L Clark's brother has a site dedicated to "all those who flew in
the Normandy Campaign"
In it he has a few pages that go into some detail about the fatal accident
it out here
--- Canadian Aces ---
On these pages I use Hugh Halliday's extensive research (which includes info from numerous sources), newspaper articles via the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC) as well as other sources both published and private |