Howard Peter "Cowboy" Blatchford
First Canadian Victory of WW2*
Son of Kenneth A. & Grace L. Blatchford, of Edmonton
Born in Edmonton, 25 February 1912;
Appointed acting Pilot Officer on Probation 6 Jan. 1937
With No.41 Squadron at outbreak of war;
Joined 212 Squadron, 20 April 1940 & saw service in France
to No. 212 Photo Development Unit, 20 June 1940
to No. 17 Squadron, 30 September 1940
to No. 257 Squadron, 4 October 1940
Commanding Officer, 6 July 1941 to 8 September 1941
Gazette of 16 Dec 1941 announces promotion to S/L (temp)
Became Wing Commander Flying at Digby
Killed In Action, 3 May 1943. 31 years old
W/C Blatchford's body was never recovered.
His name is on the Runnymede Memorial, Surrey, panel 118
There is an Airfireld in Alberta named in his honor |
* On 17 October 1939 he shared in the destruction of an He111
Text of Addresses On Nazi Air Raids
London, 17 Oct. 1939 - (CP) - The text of a statement on air raids made by Lord Chatfield, and Prime Minister Chamberlain in parliament to-day follows:
The house will wish to have an account of the series of air raids which took place in the Firth of Forth area yesterday afternoon in the light of the information now available. The raid was carried out by 12 or possibly more aircraft in waves of two or three at a time. Two civilians were slightly injured by shell fragments. Damage to civilian property was negligible. Naval casualties were caused on H.M.S. Southampton, Edinburgh and Mohawk.
I regret to say that altogether three officers and 13 ratings were killed or died of wounds, that two officers were slightly injured, that 11 ratings were seriously injured and 31 slightly injured .
The damage to H.M.S. Southampton and H.M.S. Edinburgh was slight and both vessels are ready for sea. The damage to H.M.S. Mohawk is superficial. The enemy were at once engaged by our fighter squadrons and by antiaircraft guns. Four enemy bombers were brought down, of which one was shot down by gunfire. In addition, a number of other enemy aircraft were heavily engaged and some of these may not have been able to reach home. As the attack was local and appeared to be developing only on a small scale and, as our defences were fully ready, it was not considered appropriate in this particular instance to issue an air raid warning which would have caused dislocation and inconvenience over a wide area.
Responsibility for issuing air raid warnings must be left to the competent authorities, but the circumstances in which warnings should be issued will be carefully reviewed in the light of experience gained.
At 10:30 a.m. today an air raid took place on Scapa Flow. The attack was made by about four machines. Two bombs fell very near H.M.S. Iron Duke and the ship sustained certain damages. No casualties occurred.
H.M.S. Iron Duke is an old battleship which, it will be recollected, was demilitarized under a London naval treaty of 1930 and had all her armour removed. She has since been used for depot and training purposes.
One aircraft was shot down in flames by the fire of either ship or shore guns, and another probably damaged.
BLATCHFORD, F/L Howard Peter (37715) - Distinguished Flying
Cross - No.257 Sq.
Awarded as per London Gazette 6 December 1940.
In November 1940 this officer was the leader of a squadron
which destroyed eight and damaged a further five enemy aircraft in one
day. In the course of the combat he rammed and damaged a hostile fighter
when his ammunition was expended, and the made two determined head-on
feint attacks on enemy fighters which drove them off. He has shown magnificent
leadership and outstanding courage.
Twenty-Two Flyers Are Named For Outstanding Services
London, Jan. 2, 1942 — (CP Cable) — Canadians
fighting in the air and on the sea were rewarded by the King yesterday
in the New Year's honors list. Of the 24 Canadians included in the list,
all but two, are airmen.
Three Air Aces
Among the seven Canadian members of the Royal Air Force receiving the
Air Force Cross were listed three aces whose brilliant flying had brought
them decorations before—Wing Commander John Fulton, of Kamloops,
B.C.; Flt.-Lt. Archibald P. Walsh, of London, Ont., and Flt.-Lt. Lawrence
L. Jones, of Port Arthur, Ont.
Fulton received the Distinguished Flying Cross on September 28, 1940,
for outstanding skill in a raid on Brussels. Walsh was awarded the D.F.C.
on December 19, 1940 — just after the R.A.F. had won its great
battle over Britain against the German air force.
Jones not only won the D.F.C. in 1940 but was also "mentioned in
dispatches" in the King's 1941 New Year's honors list.
The Air Force Cross, which was, instituted in 1918, is designed for presentation
upon officers and warrant officers of the R.A.F. "for acts of courage
or devotion to duty when flying, although not in active operations against
the enemy."
The Distinguished Flying Cross, which also dates from 1918, is bestowed
"for acts of gallantry when flying in active operations against the
Seven in Dispatches
A distinguished group of seven Canadians in the R.A.F. were listed as
mentioned in dispatches. They were Acting Sqdn.-Ldr. R.A.D. Foster, of
Prince Albert, Sask.; Acting Sqdn.-Ldr. J.H. Van, of Lake Megantic, Que.;
Acting Wing Commander Howard P. Blatchford, of Edmonton; Acting Wing Commander
N.W. Timmerman, of Kingston, Ont.; Flt.-Lieut. J.M. Bodman, of Edmonton;
Flt.-Lieut. K.B. Corbould, of New Westminster, B.C., and Acting Sqdn.-Ldr.
H.R. Beall, whose Canadian home town was not given.
Blatchford and Corbould had previously won the D.F.C. for gallantry in
action and Timmerman was awarded the Distinguished Service Order last
September 19. All of them have seen the heaviest action and Bodman was
reported wounded in action on August 26, 1941.
Flight Sergeant J.F. Bishop, of Calgary, was awarded the Air Force Medal.
Hamilton Man included
Warrant Officer J. L. McKenzie, a member of the R.A.F. since 1919 and whose birthplace was given merely as "Colchester, Canada," was made a member of the Order of the British Empire.
The following members of the Royal Canadian Air Force were listed as mentioned in dispatches:
Group Capt. A. P. Campbell, of Hamilton, Ont. (wife lives at 304 Queen street south, Hamilton);Squadron-Leader N. R. Johnstone, of Regina and Winnipeg (T. A. Johnstone, father, 556 McGee street, Winnipeg); Flying-Officer J. A. Ross, of Moncton, N.B. (wife lives at 41 Cornell street, Moncton); Squadron-Leader P. B. Pitcher, of Montreal, commander of the First R.C.A.F. Squadron in Britain; Sergeant-Pilot H. S. McNeil, of Welland, Ont. (G. J. McNeil, father, 79 Merrett street, Welland); Sergeant-Gunner R. J. Ward, of Lachine, Que. (Mrs. Irene Ward, mother, 95 55th avenue, Lachine).
With the R.C.A.F. Somewhere in England, June 1, 1942 —
(CP) — Messroom chatter: First indication that R.C.A.F. flyers took
part in the defence of Singapore comes with the news that Pilot Officer
J.M. Barnes, of Toronto, has become attached to the Royal Australian Air
Joins R.A.A.F.
Barnes escaped from Singapore and was taken to Australia, where the R.C.A.F.
permitted him to remain to fly with the R.A.A.F. as a navigator.
Many Australian airmen fly with the R.C.A.F. fighter and bomber squadrons
in Britain but this is the first time it has been announced that an R.C.A.F.
flyer is to fly officially with the Australians. Details of Barnes' escape
were not available in London.
Germany's vaunted Focke-Wolf 190 fighter had its measure taken recently
by Canadian Spitfire pilots, who drove off an attack on Boston bombers
they were escorting near Abbeville, France.
Wing-Cmdr. Herb Blatchford, D.F.C., of Edmonton, shot down one FW190 in
flames and Flight-Lieut. Frederick E. Green, of Toronto, damaged another.
Blatchford's aircraft was damaged and he was obliged to make a forced
landing when he returned to base. He suffered minor cuts and bruises.
Blatchford gave his victim such a blasting that he feared flying fragments
would damage his own airscrew and wings.
"I fired two bursts into him at 250 yards," the wing-commander
related afterwards, "and saw flashes in his fuselage, followed by
smoke. I continued following and firing and he took practically no evasive
action. The wreckage finally fell in flames.
"His No. 2 man, I knew, was not far off, but the last I had seen
of him he apparently was being engaged by two Spitfires. At this stage
my attention was distracted by what I thought was firing from two flak
ships below, and while 1 was looking down I got a rude shock. From behind,
cannon shells hit my left aileron, right wing and tire and missed my radiator
by a narrow margin. The result was that my lateral control was unstable,
my right flag was out of commission, the tire was burst and my landing
gear was damaged."
Waterdown Flyer Mentioned
Green, recently appointed flight commander, also saw fragments fly off
the aircraft he attacked but lost sight of it later and could only claim
it as "damaged."
Other Canadians from the squadron who helped repel the Nazi attackers
included Flight-Lieut. John P. McColl, Waterdown, Ont.; Pilot-Officers
R.I. Alpine Smith, Regina; Jack Brookhouse, Montreal; Lloyd Stewart, Fair
Hills, Sask.; Harold Charlesworth, Chemainis, Vancouver Island; Richard
A. Ellis, Montreal; Warrant Officer J.D. Stevenson, Winnipeg; Flight-Sgt
.Stewart Pearce, Toronto, and Sgt. W.F. Aldcorn, Gouverneur, Sask. Warrant Officers Francis MacRae, Montreal navigator, and Sgt. Pilot Albert
Attwell, of Toronto, both agree "you're safer in the air than on
the ground."
MacRae came back from a hazardous bombing trip to a French arms center.
After reporting to the intelligence officer, he went to the officers’
mess for a hot drink before retiring. The mess floor had been freshly
polished and as he walked in the door he slipped and fell and fractured
his left knee.
Attwell also came through the perils of a bombing attack across the channel.
Returning from St. Nazaire, his aircraft crashed into a hill in England
and he suffered a fracture of the left leg.
The two Canadians share neighboring beds in the same hospital.
Docks at Dieppe Raided, Mosquitos Hit Railways In Northwestern Germany
London, April 19, 1943 - (Monday) (CP) - R.A.F. planes pounding at German shipping lashed at an enemy convoy of 15 ships off the Netherlands coast and raided the docks at Dieppe Sunday, while air raid warnings early today in Western Switzerland indicated that heavy British bombers again might be en route to Italy.
London, meanwhile, had three alerts within 12 hours, one a false alarm, and the other two set off by nuisance raiders. One German plane approached the city last night and a small force penetrated to the city’s outskirts early today before being chased back. No bombs were dropped, but London’s defenses set up a terrific fire.
Beaufighters of the Coastal Command, escorted by Spitfires, struck at the convoy off the Netherlands coast, laying hits on several vessels and leaving the largest one on fire and listing.
While the Spitfires watched for enemy aircraft, the leading Beaufighters raked the ships with gunfire. Then a fresh wave plunged in with torpedoes.
The Air Ministry said the largest ship, a medium-sized merchant vessel, was struck by two torpedoes. Returning pilots said other ships "certainly" were torpedoed.
"It was like having a ringside seat at a world championship fight," said Wing Cmdr. Howard P. Blatchford, D.F.C., of Edmonton, who led the attack. "I saw eight tin fish hit the water, and all looked as if they couldn’t miss. The biggest ship was hit slap amidships. A shower of water and junk shot up in the air. The ship listed to port and seemed certain to sink."
"We arrived just in time to see one ship with bits and pieces falling from it," said one pilot. "I am, sure it was blown 20 feet into the air."
Thick With Aircraft
"The air was thick with aircraft," another pilot said. "The flak was fairly accurate. I bombed escort ships and saw a big column of smoke pouring from one. Our fighters sat around us beautifully and there was no enemy fighter opposition."
Ventura bombers escorted by fighters attacked the docks at Dieppe yesterday afternoon, carrying on the non-stop aerial offensive in which R.A.F. fighters and fighter-bombers shot up railways and power stations in Northwest Germany, France and Holland Saturday night.
Dieppe is the French coastal town where Allied forces, predominantly Canadian, staged last August’s big raid.
Although the R.A.F.’s heavy bombers were grounded Saturday night, its swift Mosquito bombers reached deep into Germany to attack several trains, damaging at least three, while Whirlibombers, Beaufighters, Typhoons and Mosquitos shot up and bombed freight trains in France and the Low Countries. Three fighters were lost over occupied territory.
Upsetting train schedules over a wide area in Germany, Mosquitos struck near Celle on the Hanover-Hamburg route, at Neustadt on the Berlin-Hamburg line and near Sulingen, south of Bremen. Light bombers of the army co-operation command hit four railway power stations between Paris and Le Mans. A Whirlibomber blew a locomotive from the track near Ostend.
A locomotive shot up north of Boulogne was the 100th hit by pilots of a single Typhoon squadron in the last three months.

"Cowboy" Blatchford dismounts his flying steed
Wing Commander Is Missing
Edmonton, May 7, 1943 (CP) — Wing Cmdr. Howard
R Blatchford, D.F.C., of Edmonton, leader of a squadron of Spitfire pilots
overseas, is missing after air operations, word received here said. Wing
Cmdr. Blatchford is one of Edmonton's best-known fliers and has several
enemy planes to his credit. He is the son of the late Kenneth Blatchford,
former mayor of Edmonton, and Mrs. [Grace] Blatchford. Edmonton’s
airport — Blatchford Field was named after Wing Cmdr. Blatchford's
Air Force Casualties
Ottawa, June 10, 1943 - (CP) - The R.C.A.F. in its 598th
casualty list of the war, containing 52 names, tonight listed six men
as killed on active service overseas and 12 men as missing on active service
after overseas air operations. Fourteen men were listed as previously
reported missing on active service in Newfoundland and now officially
presumed dead. The list contained no casualties suffered in Canada. Included
in the list, with next of kin:
BLATCHFORD, Howard Peter. D.F.C., Wing Cmdr. Missing after air operations
overseas. Mrs. K.A. Blatchford (mother), Didsbury, Alta.
Air Force Casualties
Ottawa, Dec. 8, 1943 — The Department of National
Defense for Air today issued the following casualty list of the Royal
Canadian Air Force (No. 748) with next of:
BLATCHFORD. Howard Peter, D.F.C., W/C previously reported missing on active
service overseas, now for official purposes presumed dead. Mrs. K.A. Blatchford
(mother), Didsbury, Alta.
His last words were:
"I'm going down! I'm going down!"
Victories Include :
17 Oct 1939
2 Oct 1940
11 Nov 1940
17 Nov 1940
19 Mar 1941
11 May 1941
18 Feb 1942
25 Apr 1942
18 Mar 1943
4 Apr 1943
2 May 1943 |
1/4 He.111
1/2 Do.17
1¼ BR.20
two CR.42s
one BF.109E
one Ju.88
one He.111
1/2 Do.217
one FW190
one FW190
two FW.190s
one FW190 |
probable |
20-30 m
E Whitby
off Harwich
off Harwich
SE of Harwich
E of Southbold
NE Happisburgh
E of Withernsea
NW of Le Treport
off Voorne, Holland
Off Dutch coast |
41 Sqn
17 Sqn
257 Sqn [a]
'' (night)
Digby Wing
Coltishall Wing
'' |
6 / 3 / 4.5
[a] During Italian Air Force raids on Britain
Score from Aces High 2nd Ed. - Shores & Williams
Thanks go out to
On these pages I use Hugh Halliday's extensive research which includes info from numerous sources; newspaper articles via the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC); the Google News Archives; the London Gazette Archives and other sources both published and private.
Some content on this site is probably the property of acesofww2.com unless otherwise noted.
