George Peter Novotny |
DFC & Air Medal (x15)
Born 22 February 1920 in Toledo, Ohio.
Attended DeSales College in Ohio.
Home in Michigan.
Joined the Army Reserves.
Winged & commissioned at Spence Field, Georgia.
Posted to the 42FS, 54FG.
Posted to the 317 FS, 325 FG (Checkertails) in July 1943.
They flew P-40s, P-47s & P-51s.
A/C name was Ruthless Ruthie.
Crew Chief was Richard Ebert.
At one time he was a member of the "Fearless Foursome" made up of Herky Green, Cecil Dean, Ed Paulk & George.
Tour expired & back to the US in June 1944.
He then instructed until war's end.
Left the Air Force in September 1945.
Retired in Allen Park, Michigan, later moving to Florida.
Sadly, George took his final flight, 7 Jan. 2018. He was 97.

Victories Include :
20 Jun 1943
30 Jun 1943
28 Aug 1943
30 Jan 1944
18 Mar 1944
6 Apr 1944
13 Apr 1944 |
one MC202
one Me109
one Me109
two Ju52s
one Hs126
one Me109
one Me109
one MC205
one Re2001 |
damaged |
(317 F, P-40)
(317 F, P-40)
(317 F, P-40)
(317 F, P-47)
(317 F, P-47)[1]
(317 F, P-47)
(317 F, P-47) |
8 / 0 / 2
[1] "My fourth P-47 victory occurred under rather strange circumstances. Often on missions it happened that pilots suffered technical problems serious enough for them to return to base. We usually sent a second man back to cover, and on 18 March it so happened that a pilot who reported that he couldn't draw fuel from his belly tank was a tent mate of mine and I went back with him. I saw this Bf 109, or 190, stooging around at 1 o'clock, and I waggled my wings to try and fool him and made a 180-degree turn. I pulled right in behind him and shot him down." |
Thanks go out to
George jr. for the photos & infos !
On these pages I use Hugh Halliday's extensive research which includes info from numerous sources; newspaper articles via the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC); the Google News Archives; the London Gazette Archives and other sources both published and private.
Some content on this site is probably the property of acesofww2.com unless otherwise noted.
